Student Life
College life is more than just going to class and studying. By getting involved at SJCC and joining a student organization, you will find opportunities to meet new people, build leadership skill, volunteer, give back to your community, and network for your future career. Choose to have the college experience of a lifetime and check out unique opportunities to get involved at SJCC!
There are always exciting events happening at SJCC. Check out our events calendar and join us!
Get Involved!
Choose to have the college experience of a lifetime and check out unique opportunities to get involved at SJCC!
Tips on getting involved
Explore many opportunities at SJCC. Find something that feeds your soul, passion, faith, or culture. Try something that feeds your career, or helps you discover a subject you would like to learn more about.
Getting involved should always come after self, family, school, work, etc.
Use your calendar wisely and be sure to make time for everything in your life, including unstructured time, then consider getting involved in a way that works for you. It’s OK to ask if events are kid-friendly and make it a family affair. You get out of it what you put into it.
Stay healthy and active.
Student Referral & Reporting Forms
San José City College strives to provide a safe and conducive teaching, learning, and working environment for all persons. In accordance with San José Evergreen Community College District board policies and administrative procedures along with applicable laws and regulations, students are required to abide by standards of student conduct and are eligible to receive support services from the College. To this end, the College provides the following student referral and reporting forms.
Health, Wellness & Safety
Student Affairs
Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy is a thoughtfully designed and curated collection of personal development opportunities offered for the self-directed growth of SJCC students to become leaders in and beyond college. It is also a community of leaders who are committed to the same cause.
- leadership
- social justice
- diversity: ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status
- professional development
- violence prevention
- health and wellness
- civic engagement
Students are encouraged to take part in as many sessions as they wish, and those who have completed 3 sessions or more will be considered members of the Leadership Academy.
Benefits of membership include: certificate of completion, letters of reference, inclusion in future session offerings, exclusive events, and an optional listing on SJCC's website.
Hosting a seminar or workshop? Know of a great opportunity for students? We are always looking to add more offerings to the Academy! Contact Blake Balajadia with details.
Stay tuned for future events!