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Welcome to the counseling department

About the counseling Department 

The Counseling Department is committed to providing quality, comprehensive academic, career, and personal counseling services in a supportive environment to assist students in achieving their educational and vocational goals and empowering them to make informed choices and decisions.

Not sure where to start or how to reach your academic or career goals? Need help developing your educational plan? Just need to talk to someone too? The SJCC Counseling Department is here to help!  Meeting with a counselor is one of the most important things you can do during your college career at San José City College.


The Counseling Department's mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services in a safe, supportive environment to guide, motivate, and empower students to achieve their educational, vocational, and personal goals.

Department Contact


  • Monday - Thursday:
  • 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Friday:
  • 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

  • Monday - Thursday:
  • 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday:
  • 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Prerequisite clearance Form

Need a prerequisite cleared?

San José City College | Counseling

Click here to clear prerequisites

Important Guidelines for Transcript Submission

  • Please allow 5 to 7 business days for processing.
  • Follow all instructions carefully to avoid delays.
  • Do not send multiple email requests; this will slow down the processing time.
  • Submit only complete unofficial transcripts.
  • Screenshots, pictures, or partial images of transcripts will not be accepted.

Have Questions or Concerns?

We're here to help! Use one of the appropriate forms below to reach out to us.

At San José City College, our goal is to support you every step of the way on your journey to success. Explore the links below to learn more about how we can help you achieve your dreams!

  • Drop-In Hours:

  • Monday - Thursday:
  • 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • (Last drop-in accepted at 2:45 pm)
  • Friday:
  • 9:30 am - 11:30 am
  • (Last drop-in accepted at 11:15 am)


To avoid rescheduling your appointment, follow these tips:

  • Please try and log on to the Zoom link at least 5 to 10 minutes before to make sure there are no issues logging in and have enough time to have all your questions are answered.
  • If you request a "Phone Call", please be available at the time of your appointment.
    Make sure you have updated your email and phone number if it has changed. 

Make sure to answer unknown or private numbers during your appointment time, or disable any call-blocking features on your phone, to ensure you don't miss the counselor's call.

Appointments are scheduled appointments for 30 - 60 minutes with a counselor for the following:

  • Career Counseling
  • Educational Planning
  • Graduation Petition (degree and/or certificate)
  • General Ed & Transfer Requirements
  • Transcript Evaluation
  • Academic Counseling for Probation/Dismissal
  • Financial Aid Petition
  • Personal Counseling

Counseling Appointment Request Form

Drop-Ins are 10 - 15 minutes sessions for the following:

  • Assessment Results/Review - To understand your assessment results and to get help with English/ESL and Math class selection.
  • Brief Questions
  • Course Repeat - To repeat a class you have received a W, D, F, or NP, you must get a Course Repeat Form from a counselor and register for the class with Admissions & Records. You will only need to obtain a course repeat form if you are repeating the course for the second time. Note: Due to new policies, students may only repeat a course two times (3rd attempt).
  • Excess Unit Form - To register for more than 18 units during the Fall or Spring semester, or more than 7 units during the summer session, you must meet with a counselor to obtain approval for an Excess Unit Form and register for the class with Admissions & Records.

  • Prerequisites and/or Co-requisite Overrides* If you would like to sign up for a class that has the prerequisite(s) that you have already met at another college or in other ways, you must provide documentation (i.e. transcript) to the counselor showing that you met the prerequisite(s). You can drop-in to see a counselor or you can submit a Prerequisite Form to clear you to register for that desired class. 

*Students must provide proof of completion of the required coursework (Transcripts, official/unofficial documents, etc.).*

Drop-In Request Form - To Be Used ONLY During Drop-In Times ONLY To Avoid Delays



  • Dual enrollment students still need to submit a prerequisite form along with supporting documentation(s) showing a passing grade, AP test scores from the College Board, or SAT scores.  
  • Students wanting to clear prerequisites from another college or university must submit their complete, continuous transcripts showing a passing grade before we can review any request(s). Use the link above.
  • If you are not finished with your prerequisite or do not have your AP scores, we will not be able to clear any prerequisites until the grade(s) are finalized on the transcript or you have your AP test scores from the College Board.




San José City College is here to support you on your journey to success! We have many on-campus resources that can help you. Click on the resource below for more information about how we can help you achieve your dreams!

These services are critical to your academic success. We are here to assist you with academic-related matters and issues.

It is important that you make an appointment to see a counselor during your first semester to discuss your educational and career objectives and develop a customized educational plan. In addition, meet with a counselor at least once a semester to ensure you are on the right track in achieving your educational and career goals.

Academic Counseling Services:

  • Assist you with academic-related matters and issues.

  • Help you to clarify your educational objectives and develop an educational plan specific to your educational goals. 

  • Help you to understand the requirements of certificate programs, associate degrees, general education, majors, and transfer, as well as the College's policies and procedures.  

  • Provide transcript evaluation and class selection.

  • Provide academic probation/dismissal counseling for those students who are struggling academically and need to strategize ways to improve their academic performance and standing.

  • Assist with graduation and financial petitions and other academic/registration-related forms.   

  • Additional transfer information and resources can be found in the Career/Transfer Center.

Sometimes personal issues or concerns can affect your academic performance or success. If you are experiencing this, we can listen and direct you to the appropriate resources. 

Personal matters discussed with a counselor are held in strict confidence. Talking to a counselor may be the best way to get you back on track to academic success.

It is not uncommon for students to encounter personal issues while in college. Stress, depression, loss and grief, substance abuse, anger, eating disorders, anxiety, and relationship problems can interfere with your ability to do your best academically.

We are experienced to help you to mitigate and deal effectively with personal issues and concerns that are affecting your academic success and performance.

When appropriate, you may be referred to other professional services on campus such as the Student Health Services or in the community.

Having good mental health increases the likelihood of doing well academically — just like good physical health is essential for peak athletic performance. When you encounter these personal issues, it is important to seek healthy solutions.

The links below are a place to start:

Student Health Services

American Psychological Association

List of Local Crisis and Community Resources

Additional Campus, District, and Local Resources

Talking with a counselor or one of the highly trained professionals in the Health Services may be the thing to get you back on track to academic success, as well as a more fulfilling life. 

Be assured that regardless of whether you meet with a counselor or someone in the Health Services, your issues will be held in complete confidence.

The Orientation is designed to help you become more familiar with San José City College. Participating in orientation is critical to your success.

Orientation provides students with information about San José City College's educational programs, support services, registration process, college facilities, student life, academic expectations and procedures, and students' rights and responsibilities. At the moment, we are only offering online orientations.

Click here for instructions on how to complete the orientation

FREquently Asked questions (FAQ)

SJCC provides academic, career, and personal counseling services. These services assist students in educational planning, career exploration, and personal development.

Appointments can be scheduled by calling the Counseling Department at (408) 288-3750 or by using the online appointment system. It's recommended to schedule appointments during non-peak registration times.

A counseling appointment is a 30-minute session intended for more involved issues and questions and must be scheduled in advance. Drop-in counseling is for brief questions lasting 5-10 minutes and is available during specified times.

SJCC has counselors specializing in various programs, including EOPS, METAS/Puente, Milpitas Extension, and Student Accessibility Services. Students can contact these programs directly to schedule appointments with specialized counselors.

You can reach the Counseling Department by phone at (408) 288-3750 or email at