SJCC Votes

San José City College
Voter Registration Information
San José City College encourages all eligible students, employees, and community members to register to vote and exercise their constitutional right to vote in local, state and federal elections. Hardcopy voter registration cards are available at the College’s Office of Student Development & Activities and Welcome Center/Information Desk. Online voter registration cards are available at the California Secretary of State or County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters websites.
In accordance with San José Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) Administrative Procedure 5610, San José City College shall execute “a good faith effort…to distribute…voter registration form to each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance.” Furthermore, San José City College will provide “an active link to the California Secretary of State’s voter registration website…on the student portal to allow students to receive voter information during the class enrollment process.”
SJECCD Board Policy 2100 – Board Elections
SJECCD Board Policy 3900 – Speech: Time, Place, and Manner
SJECCD Board Policy 5610 – Voter Registration
SJECCD Board Policy 7370 – Political Activity
SJECCD Administrative Procedure 2100 – Board Elections
SJECCD Administrative Procedure 3900 – Speech: Time, Place, and Manner