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SJCC Administrators

The San José City College Administrators are a team of highly skilled, educated, and passionate professionals dedicated to the success of our students, our college, and our communities. SJCC Code of Ethics.  The SJCC executive staff is comprised of the President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Student Affairs, and Vice President of Administrative Services. Below is a list of all of the SJCC Administrators.


President's Office



Acting President
Dr. David Wain Coon

President's Cabinet

Dr. Jamail D. Carter

Vice President
Dr. Jamail D. Carter


Vice President
Christopher Hawken


Vice President
William García


Vice President
Dr. Maniphone Dickerson

Office of the President

Daniel Garza
Daniel Rivera Garza, Director
Enrique Velasco
Dr. Enrique Velasco, Director


Academic Affairs Division

Joann McGowan
JoAnn McGowan, Supervisor
Lamel Harris
Lamel Harris, Division Dean
Misty Stroud
Dr. Misty Stroud, Division Dean
Chyna Obana
Chynna Obana, Director


Open, Division Dean
Maristella Tapia
Maristella Tapia, Division Dean


Administrative Services Division

Priscila Louangrath

Thiphavanh (Priscilla) Louangrath,  Supervisor

joven nguyen

Young Nguyen, Supervisor

Saloshni Chand

Saloshni Chand, Director


Open, Manager



Student Services Division

René Álvarez

Dr. René Alvarez, Dean
Teresa Paiz
Teresa Paiz, Director
Dr. Michael Paul Wong
Dr. Michael Paul A. Wong, Division Dean


Julie Moreira

Julie Moreira, Supervisor

Xiomara Martinez

Xiomara Martinez, Supervisor
Blake Balajadia
Blake Balajadia, Director



Strategic Partnership & Workforce innovations


Business & Workforce
Open, Division Dean


Apprenticeships & Special Programs
Open, Associate Dean

Azam Awan

Milpitas Extension
Azam Awan, Director


Adult Education
Open, Director

San José Evergreen Community College District leadership San José City College is a part of the San José-Evergreen Community College District. The district is led by Dr. Beatriz Chaidez, Interim Chancellor. The Chancellor’s Office provides the coordination and leadership essential for merging the needs of the community and the educational resources of the San José-Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD). 

Along with the Chancellor, a seven-member elected Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing the educational needs of the District. San José City College, Evergreen Valley College, the Workforce Institute, and the District Office work in partnership with the Chancellor, the Governing Board, and the community to create educational opportunities for students. For more information about the Leadership of the San José-Evergreen Community College District, please visit the District Website.

The Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of every month unless special circumstances apply. For more information about the Board of Trustees, Board Meetings, Agendas, and other information, please visit the District Website.