welcome high school students!
we'll help you get a head start on your college career
High School students are not charged for enrollment fees for less than full-time units (11 units or less).
If high school students attend full-time or more, they will be responsible for enrollment fees for the entire term.
Fall and Spring semesters full-time is 12 units or more
Summer session up to 11.5 units (over 7 units requires excess unit approval from the counseling dept.)
Apply for admission to SJCC via CCC Apply
Submit Special Admit R-40 form, complete with all signatures, to Admissions & Records at sjcc.admissions@sjcc.edu before you register for classes.
All High School students must register via Self-Service (formerly MyWeb)
Dual Enrollment (CCAP) questions? email: SJDualEnrollment@sjcc.edu
frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Dual Enrollment, also known as Concurrent Enrollment, allows high school students in 9th to 12th grades to enroll in college-level courses. This program enables students to earn college credit while still attending high school, giving them a head start on their college education.
High school students can get a head start on their college education by enrolling in courses at SJCC. They are not charged enrollment fees for less than full-time units (11 units or less).
The program is open to all high school students, including incoming and current 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Middle school students may also participate if they receive a strong recommendation from an official at their school.
Yes, high school students admitted through Dual Enrollment are not allowed to enroll in Kinesiology (Physical Education) and basic skills courses. They may only enroll in courses for vocational purposes or as substitutes for courses not available through their high schools.
Dual Enrollment students are limited to a maximum of 11 units per semester (fall and spring) and 6 units during the summer term.