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 is an additional program that further serves EOP&S students who fulfill the CARE criteria. The CARE program also provides services beyond those offered through EOP&S.

To be eligible for CARE a student must be:

  • An EOP&S student

  • At least 18 years old

  • Considered a single head of household parent (single, divorced, separated, widow, etc.)

  • Currently receiving cash aid from CalWORKs/TANF for themselves or their children

CARE provides the following services:

  • CARE Grants: Grants are given to the student to assist with the high cost of childcare.
  • Monthly Meal Tickets: Get something to eat before you go to class.
  • Monthly Gas Card: A gas card to help you offset the rising prices of gasoline so you can get to school.
  • School Supplies: CARE will provide you with the necessary supplies for your classes like a notebook, scantrons, or a lab coat and goggles.  
  • Book Voucher: CARE provides funds to cover additional book expenses not covered by the EOP&S book voucher.
  • Lending Library: Hundreds of textbooks available for students to borrow. The lending library library also has access to laptops and graphing calculators.  
  • Referrals: The EOPS/CARE team has great connections to community services and will work to provide you on and off campus referrals for additional services.  





Location: Robert N. Chang Student Center, SC-201