Exam Passage Rates
California License Examination Passage Rates

About exam passage rates
On September 24, 2010, Assembly Bill (AB) 2086 was chaptered into California law. This bill amends Section 69432.7 of the California Education Code that redefines "qualifying institution" for purposes of the Cal Grant Program.
This bill requires Cal Grant participating institutions to provide information on where to access California license examination passage rates for graduates of certain undergraduate programs if that data is electronically available through the Internet Web site of a California licensing or regulatory agency. This change became effective January 1, 2011.
Passage rates provided must be for the most recent available year and be for graduates
of its undergraduate programs leading to employment for which passage of a California
licensing examination is required. This law does not require institutions to calculate
and publish rates, but they must provide a link to the appropriate California licensing
or regulatory agency that does.