Dual Enrollment
High School Dual Enrollment
Also known as Concurrent Enrollment

Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment, also known as Concurrent Enrollment, provides the opportunity for high school students in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades to enroll in college-level courses. Dual Enrollment allows eligible students to enroll in college courses while attending high school and simultaneously earning college credit and get a head start on their college career.
Students who desire to participate in Dual Enrollment must be recommended by their
high school principal or designee and have written parental permission. Additional
information is available at the student’s high school or at San José City College.
Questions? email: SJDualEnrollment@sjcc.edu
- High school students admitted through Dual Enrollment are limited to a maximum of 11 units per semester (fall and spring) and 6 units in summer.
- High school students are not allowed to enroll in Kinesiology (Physical Education) and basic skills courses.
- High school students may only enroll in courses for vocational purposes or as substitutes for courses not available through their high schools.
- High school students who complete paperwork for Dual Enrollment may only register for San José City College courses including courses offered at the Milpitas Extension.
- Students who wish to register for courses at Evergreen Valley College must complete paperwork for Dual Enrollment at Evergreen Valley College.
- Submit an admission application through CCCApply
- Submit the Attendance Approval for Special Part-Time High School Students (R-40) form to the Admissions & Records Office.
- View the new student orientation online.
- Complete the guided self-placement for English and mathematics online.
- Schedule an appointment with your high school counselor to discuss course selection.
- Register for courses in-person or online as noted on the R-40 form only.
- Submit a new admission application and R-40 form for each term/semester of Dual Enrollment. This applies to new, returning, and continuing students.
Department Contacts
- Dean of Academic Success and Student Equity
- Dr. Rene Alvarez
- (408) 288-3115
- Rene.Alvarez@sjcc.edu