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Program Review

Program Review is at the heart of integrated planning at San José City College.  As a key component of the integrated planning and resource allocation model, Program Reviews provide systematic, data-driven information that  allows the College to examine the overall effectiveness of the institution. 

The Program Review process is designed to provide academic, student, and administrative areas the opportunity for review and assessment in relation to the College’s mission, vision, values and performance indicators.  Moreover, the purpose is to ensure appropriate resources are being allocated to facilitate ongoing improvement in meeting the evolving learning needs of our students and community.

The Program Review Committee (PRvC) reports directly to the SJCC Academic Senate.

The Program Review Committee PRvC is charged with the following:

  • Facilitate the integrated strategic planning by developing a timeline and streamlining the program review process.  
  • Provide guidance and support to the College in the use of program review materials and the process of program reviews. 

  • Annually evaluate the effectiveness of the program review process as well as policies and procedures related to program review, recommend and execute improvements and revisions as appropriate and as needed.  

  • Annually report to the College Advisory Council and the Academic Senate regarding Committee findings and activities. 


As a key component to SJCC’s Integrated Planning Process, all instructional, student, and administrative areas are required to go through the annual Program Review cycle.  

Committee members are expected to represent general institutional interest beyond the interests of their disciplines, divisions, or special interests. The faculty members should represent a variety of departments across the campus. The Program Review Committee will consist of the following: 
Membership Composition
  • 1-2 Chair or Co-Chairs
  • 2-4 faculty appointed by the Academic Senate
  • 2-4 Classified appointed by the Classified Senate
  • 2-4 Administrators or Supervisors appointed by the College President
  • 1-2 Student(s)

MSC: Dr. Maniphone Dickerson, Dr. Joyce Lui (Co-Chair), JoAnn McGowan, Julie Moreira, Maristella Tapia

Ex-Officio: Saloshni Chand, Priscilla Louangrath, Teresa Paiz

Faculty: Carolton Connor, Fabio Gonzalez, Padma Manian, Dr. Huimin McKinlay (Co-Chair),  Dillan Ortiz,  Jess Votaw

Classified: Dillan Ortiz

Student: Samantha Llenos


  • Agendas and minutes shall be posted and available. 
  • Committee actions should reflect a majority vote by quorum of the members.
  • Meetings will be held at least on a monthly basis throughout the academic year (Fall & Spring).
  • Meetings are open to all members of the college community.


Location: Per College Advisory Council, Committee Meetings will be held in Room L-114.  Meetings are in person. 

Times & Dates: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm; 10/17/24, 11/07/24, 12/05/24, 02/20/25, 03/20/25, 05/01/05

For questions related to Program Review, please contact the current Program Review Coordinator(s)

Resources and Links

College Resources Program Review Training Program Review Docs Budget Requests
SJCC College Wide Plans Canvas: eLumen - Insights Training for Outcomes Assessment/Program Review (2022-25; Contact the Program Review Coordinator for Access) Program Reviews (2024-25) (PDF; SharePoint) Budget Request Justification Form (2024-25)
  Program Review Handbook (2025-26) Program Reviews (2023-24)
(PDF; SharePoint)
  Program Review: eLumen Quick Start (2024-25)    
    Program Reviews (2022-23)
(PDF; SharePoint)