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Instructional Policies & Curriculum Committee



Instructional Policies and Curriculum Committee (IPCC), a subcommittee of the San José City College Academic Senate, oversees and approves the college’s instructional policies and curriculum. The Academic Senate may question the process but not the curriculum decisions of the IPCC.* (see Title V)

The IPCC is governed by Title 5 regulations as follows:

The college and/or district curriculum committee recommending the course shall be established by mutual agreement of the college and/or district administration and the academic senate. The committee shall be either a committee of the academic senate or a committee that includes faculty and is otherwise comprised in a way that is mutually agreeable to the college and/or district administration and the academic senate.

The Instructional Policies & Curriculum Committee (IPCC) reports directly to the SJCC Academic Senate.

The IPCC is responsible to ensure that a comprehensive, coherent curriculum is offered by the College appropriate to its mission. The IPCC will review and approve curriculum within the parameters of Title 5 standards for course development including:

  • Course Outline of Record: title, description, content, SLOs, methods of instruction and evaluation, grading, assignments, textbooks, and articulation if appropriate

  • New and revised credit and non-credit courses

  • Credit Hours: Carnegie Unit

  • Prerequisites, Co-requisites, and Advisories

  • Distance Education

  • Course Repetition

  •  CSU-GE Breadth and IGETC courses

The IPCC will review and approve programs within the parameters of Title 5 standards for program development and discontinuance including:

  • Graduation, degree, and certificate requirements

  • General education requirements

The IPCC will disseminate curricular information and recommendations to the faculty and administration, and governing board for final approval. The IPCC will carry out state and federal mandated regulations or policies that affect curriculum.

The IPCC shall consist of eleven (11) members (nine (9) voting members, two (2) non-voting members)..

  • Voting members:

    • Five (5) full-time faculty, appointed by the SJCC Academic Senate

    • The College Articulation Officer

    • Vice President of Academic Affairs
    • Two (2) administrators appointed by the College President

  • Non-Voting members

    • The College Curriculum Coordinator

    • One ex officio administrator appointed by the College President 

The faculty will represent as broadly as possible the college’s academic and student services divisions. Members are appointed to three-year renewable terms. The Chair will be selected from among the faculty committee members. The Chair/Co-Chairs will serve a renewable three-year term. The committee shall advise the Academic Senate of any faculty member vacancies.

Member Responsibilities

Members of IPCC are expected to:

  • Attend meetings–the Chair may request that the Academic Senate appoint a new faculty member if an IPCC member misses more than two (2) meetings during a semester (If a member votes by proxy, it does not constitute an absence).
  • Prepare to discuss curriculum meeting agenda items.
  • Review all curriculum proposals to ensure completeness, accuracy, and consistency with district and state regulations.
  • Provide curriculum review assistance to their division when a proposal needs to be re-submitted to the IPCC for approval.
  • Disseminate information between the IPCC and their division and faculty. 


  • A quorum shall be established by Robert’s Rules of Order. In absence of a quorum, the IPCC may consider a proxy vote for course approval. 

  • Because Title 5 specifies that curriculum is recommended to the Board by the curriculum committee [Title 5 §55002(a)], it is not the role of the senate to change the recommendations.
  • However, it is appropriate for the senate to review the policies and procedures used [Title 5 §53203(a)] and call attention to any irregularities which might require a recommendation to be returned to the committee for reconsideration.



The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges 

FY 2017-2018 GOALS

  1. Review and process 100% of the new and revised courses, degrees, and certificates submitted during the current academic year.
  2. Achieve goals for transfer degrees based on Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) as established by the CCCCO.
  3. Continue CurricUNET training for faculty, staff, and administrators involved in course writing/revision.
  4. Continue to revise and update the Distance Education supplement template as necessary.
  5. Refine course review process using CurricUNET, and increase the use of appropriate technology.

Meeting Schedule

  • Spring 2025
    • March 6
    • March 20
    • April 3
    • May 1
    • May 15
  • Meetings are scheduled from 1:30pm to 4pm in L-114.
  • Additional meetings may be scheduled if necessary.
  • All are welcome to attend.
  • Meeting agendas can be found here. 
  • Meeting minutes can be found here.