College Advisory Council

College Advisory Council (CAC)
Meeting Schedule
The College Advisory Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 1:00pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Cesar Chavez Building, Professional Development Center, L-114
As the primary college council, the College Advisory Council (CAC) will serve as the umbrella group for the various participatory governance committees on campus and will bring forward to the President and to the campus its recommendations, as appropriate, for consideration and implementation. The CAC will ensure that all aspects of the college Mission Statement are being fulfilled.
Further, that all activities taking place at the college should be viewed through a framework of supporting strategic goals and improving student experience. As such, student equity, equal opportunity, and equal access for all students are implicit in the activities and programs related to the mission.
- To counsel and to make recommendations to the President in matters that involves and
affect the college as a whole, to include:
- Recommendations from standing college committees as it relates to Strategic Plan and Integrated Planning;
- Recommendations from other campus groups or councils formed to study specific topics or issues affecting the campus at large.
- Provide context on how the college is meeting and/or striving to meet campus wide goals
- To counsel and to make recommendations to standing college committees and other campus
groups in matters that involves and affect the college as a whole to include using
the framework of the Strategic Plan and other campus wide plans:
- To provide feedback as it relates to the college meeting and/or striving to meet campus wide goals
- To liaison from the President to the respective committees and campus groups
- To report out at District Council meetings
- Review and make recommendations regarding the integration and alignment of the Mission, Vision, Values to the Strategic Plans and Goals of the College. Additionally, the CAC is responsible for aligning and integrating plans, such as:
- College’s Self-Evaluation for Accreditation
- Educational Master Plan
- Facilities Master Plan
- Strong Workforce Plan
- Additional plans as it relates to the College
- District Strategic Priorities
- In consultation with the Academic Senate
- Guided Pathways
- Student Success Plan
- Student Equity Plan
- Provide counsel in matters as requested by the President
- Provide counsel in matters as requested by standing college committees and campus groups
Recommendations of the CAC will be in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, and shall not conflict with the Academic Senate’s rights and shared governance as provided by AB 1725 and/or District policy.
The College Advisory Council (CAC) comprises:
- The College President
- College Advisory Council (CAC) members:
- 4 Administrators (1 is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and 4 others appointed by the President)
- 4 Faculty (1 is the Academic Senate President or designee and 2 appointed by Senate and 1 appointed by AFT 6157)
- 4 Classified Professionals (2 appointed by Classified Senate and 2 appointed by CSEA)
- 4 Students (appointed by ASG)
It is intended that the membership of the CAC will be reflective of and equally representative of the quadripartite structure of the college.
Additional ad hoc ex-officio members may be added as needed (e.g. during the accreditation process) in order to assure that required expertise is available to the CAC.
The CAC operates under a co-chair structure. The President and Classified Senate President will serve as the standing co-chairs. At the first CAC meeting of each academic year, the CAC shall elect a co-chair for that academic year.
The co-chairs must be members of the CAC from different constituent groups (administrators, faculty, classified professionals, and students).
Each member of the CAC is expected to represent his or her constituency. If a constituency lacks representation, the CAC shall send a request for additional representation to the leadership of that constituency.
The CAC accepts a voting proxy in absence of a member.
The committee reserves the right to request that the constituent groups replace members who fail to attend three meetings during the semester without proxy.
- Unless otherwise noted in the committee charge CAC will operate according to decision-making
procedures currently accepted on the campus. Consensus will be sought on all issues;
when voting, all votes will be deemed equal in value. Action items approved by CAC
by majority vote of a quorum of the members will be reported back to the responsible
groups or party for action as appropriate or recommended for implementation to the
- Standard meeting agendas will allow a brief period for public comments (3 minutes)
so that any member of the college community may speak on appropriate items within.
- Meeting agenda items will be posted and explanatory comments listed in order that
non-members will be informed and know when to attend and participate if they so desire.
- Anyone in the college community may submit an item for consideration for the CAC agenda
as an information item and limited to a 3 minute presentation. The co-chairs will
review each agenda item submitted to determine if it is more appropriate for discussion
for another committee. If so, that submission will be forwarded to the appropriate
committee and noted on the agenda. Agendas will be sent by e-mail to all SJCC staff
and the SJCC Associated Students Officers and Commissioners at least 72 hours before
each meeting. Draft meeting minutes will be reviewed by the Council and then posted
to the college website in a timely manner. The draft meeting minutes of the last
meeting of the spring semester will be emailed to committee members at least 30 days
unless unforeseen circumstances. All other CAC council documents will be reviewed
by the CAC membership before being posted to the college website.
- Each action item on the agenda related to institutional planning will be preceded
by at least one hearing on the item at a previous meeting. If an urgent item is placed
on the agenda it may be moved to an action item with a 2/3 majority vote.
- It is important that the CAC reinforce the distinction between policy/participatory
governance decisions and operational decisions. Normally, the College President will
make this distinction and will inform the CAC. However, if there is a disagreement,
the President will consult with the CAC and the governance representatives to arrive
at a resolution.
- Meetings shall not be cancelled without the consensus of all the constituencies.