Political Science
Success Resources
A bachelor or professional degree in political science is a strong foundation for careers in local, state or national government, transnational governmental or non-governmental organizations, law, and business. Graduates also undertake graduate study in fields such as law, politics, labor and industrial relations, city management and urban planning, journalism, interest groups or social movement lobbying, and communication.
Department Contacts
- Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts Division
- (408) 288-3785
- HSSA@sjcc.edu

- Analyze the key concepts, theories and debates that have defined thinking about politics
over time.
- Assess the basic structure of the American political system and how some of its institutions,
procedures, and actors function.
- Compare the nature and general principles of the U.S. Constitution with the California
Constitution and their respective major provisions.
- Describe the relationship of state and local government and the federal government
today and explain the resolution of conflicts that led to that relationship.
- Formulate the political systems of other countries and regions, and be able to delineate
comparisons across respective political cultures.
- Evaluate approaches to the study of the relations between countries and appraise the basic dynamics and development of the international system.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
The Political Science program at SJCC provides students with an understanding of the workings of American and international politics. It emphasizes the development of skills in research, information gathering, and analytical thinking.
SJCC offers an Associate in Arts in Political Science for Transfer (AA-T) degree. This degree is designed to meet the lower-division course requirements for transfer to the California State University (CSU) system.
Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:
- Analyze key concepts, theories, and debates that have defined thinking about politics over time.
- Assess the basic structure of the American political system and how its institutions, procedures, and actors function.
- Compare the nature and general principles of the U.S. Constitution with the California Constitution and their respective major provisions.
- Describe the relationship between state and local governments and the federal government, explaining the resolution of conflicts that led to that relationship.
- Formulate the political systems of other countries and regions, delineating comparisons across respective political cultures.
- Evaluate approaches to the study of relations between countries and appraise the basic dynamics and development of the international system.
A bachelor's or professional degree in political science provides a strong foundation for careers in local, state, or national government; transnational governmental or non-governmental organizations; law; and business. Graduates also pursue advanced studies in fields such as law, politics, labor and industrial relations, city management and urban planning, journalism, interest group or social movement lobbying, and communication.
SJCC encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities such as student government, political clubs, debate teams, and internship opportunities with local government offices and advocacy organizations.