Campus Master Plans

What are the Campus master Plans?
San Jose City College's campus master plans guide physical and academic development needed to support the mission and strategic plan of our institution. It directs how various aspects of the physical environment, such as academic facilities, open spaces, and circulation come together to meet the needs of the college. Most importantly, it establishes the setting in which our college transforms students' lives.
Master Plans
The Educational Master Plan will provide vision, direction, and a defined achievable future for San Jose City College for the next 10 years by establishing specific goals and strategies for academic and career education programs, and student services. The EMP is a core component of integrated planning for the college and acts as the main plan for aligning the college's annual and operational plans, programs, grants, and initiatives to its mission, vision and values.
The Facilities Master Plan outlines the designs for space utilization in the learning environment to integrate meaningful teaching with enhanced student learning. The 2030 Facilities Master Plan highlights and delineates proposed additional physical changes to the College that may occur by the end of 2030 through implementation of these plans.
The Facilities Master Plan addendums include recommendations for additional space for Industrial CTE programs, Jaguar Market, Music Tech Program, Child Development Center, Kinesiology & Athletics Aquatic Center and Student Services Resource Drop In Center.
Facilities Master Plan Addendum #1 | Facilities Master Plan Addendum #2 |
The SJECCD Technology Master Plan 2017-2025 reflects the mission, vision and values of the District and is designed to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. It is an action plan that includes strategic goals and initiatives. Technology projects are derived from the initiatives and will have different funding sources depending on scope and purpose: Bond funds, General funds, Restricted funds, Grant funds, etc.